Photoselective vaporization of the prostate with GreenLight laser

Iperplasia prostatica benigna, IPB o BPH

The use of laser technology has become very widespread today in urology for the treatment of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia. Among the various techniques that use lasers for this purpose, the by far most used and effective one is the so-called Photoselective Vaporization of the Prostate with GreenLight laser. Through this method, a laser is used to remove excess prostatic tissue with the aim of widening the urethral canal and facilitating urine flow. The laser is selectively absorbed by the blood within the prostatic tissue. All men affected by benign prostatic hyperplasia who do not respond to medical therapy with drugs are candidates for this type of surgery. This treatment is of considerable advantage for patients who are taking anticoagulants, as they can be operated on without suspending their therapy.

For the treatment of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia, other types of treatments are also available such as transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP) and open transvesical adenomectomy. However, laser vaporization of the prostate has a significantly lower rate of complications compared to other methods and also presents significant advantages such as:

  1. less risk of bleeding
  2. possibility to perform the surgery in patients taking anticoagulant drugs without suspending therapy
  3. minimal hospital stay (possible discharge on the same day of the surgery)
  4. much faster recovery times
  5. shorter catheterization time (less than 24 hours)
  6. more immediate results: the improvement of urinary symptoms from laser surgery is evident right away.

The GreenLight laser uses high-power energy that is specifically absorbed by the blood within the prostatic tissue. This energy absorption causes significant heating of the target tissue, causing its vaporization. In addition to vaporizing prostatic tissue, the GreenLight laser also has an enormous coagulative power which makes the bleeding from this method lower than that of TURP.

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